Substantial experience has been gained in carrying out the reforms in the Health, Education and Social sectors in the countries with transition economies. Thorough knowledge, availability of information sources and contact resources in various countries enable CAICo to implement successfully sub-regional as well as regional projects.

The department has established close relations with the number of scientific research institutes, educational establishments and international organisations. CAICo’s approach to the overall management of education, social and health development takes as its cornerstone the concept of sustainability in the region. The company combines international knowledge and experience in various spheres of the sector in order to provide technical support on various projects in the region.

Range of Services:

  • Institutional strengthening of Health, Education and Social sectors;
  • Development of strategies on regional and national levels;
  • Extension work on education for all;
  • Education systems and curriculum development;
  • Development and conducting of trainings;
  • VET, employment strategies and labour market development;
  • Programs in democracy, human rights and gender policy;
  • Poverty alleviation;
  • Conflicts prevention;
  • Social sector reforms and improving living standards;
  • Heath sector development;
  • Human resources development.