The purpose of this contract is as follows: To support the DCC secretariat in coordinating and involving development partners in the formulation/finalisation process of NDS and MtDS. During the last National Development Council in June 2016, the government and development partners presented Tajikistan’s development challenges focusing on 6 DCC Clusters (Please see Annex 1 – DCCs Organisational Chart) and required changes for the successful implementation of the country’s National Development Strategy (2016-2030) and Mid-Term Development Strategy (2016-2020) aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. GoT has requested the DCC Secretariat to support coordination and involvement of the development partners in the formulation/finalisation process of NDS and MtDS as well as to ensure active participation of DCC members at GoT discussion’ platforms. Results to be achieved by the Contractor: 1. Establishment of an effective coordination among DCC members; 2. Existence of a permanent high-level dialogue between DCC and GoT; 3. Development priorities are identified through the DCC – GoT initiatives process (new joint priority areas – JPAs) and DCC working groups. |