01.01.2016 – 30.04.2016


Name of Client:
Approximate Contract Value (in USD or EUR):
USD 10 000
Assignment Name and Brief Description of Main Deliverables or Outputs

Support to the five cities of Dangara, Kurgan-Tyube, Kulyab, Vose and Farkhor. The two critical and innovative components of the MIDP are (i) promoting appropriate hygiene delivery models through Sanitary Zones for residents living in multi-storey apartment buildings in both cities, and (ii) promoting effective communications for hygiene management, and changes in behavior. Following the completion of construction work, the need arose to: (i) raise user awareness of issues related to the proper use and maintenance of sanitary and hygienic areas (ii) adopt sanitary and hygienic behavior practices and (iii) raise awareness of water use. All mentioned activities and results were developed and presented to the client. As part of this component Consultant implemented Information campaign plan, which included development, testing and production of public information materials, both print and audio, video, websites and the media. Video and radio materials were broadcasted on the local Tajik TV and radio channels and the project was highlighted in the newspapers. All the materials were prepared in Tajik, English and Russian languages.