01.01.2013 – 31.12.2014


Name of Client:
Approximate Contract Value (in USD or EUR):
USD 480 000
Assignment Name and Brief Description of Main Deliverables or Outputs

Under the Central Tajikistan Water Rehabilitation Project, the EBRD supports a number of water companies owned by KMK, in order to (i) rehabilitate the water supply system and, where applicable, allow selected wastewater improvements; (ii) improve billing and collection efficiency, and (iii) improve financial and operational management.

The Stakeholder Participation Programme (SPP) is a complementary measure to the Programme and aims at enhancing public ownership by encouraging water conservation, increasing public participation in the provision of water services (service quality, rehabilitation activities, tariffs integrating poverty and social issues) and raising public awareness on issues related to the project implementation and water use through establishment of Water User Committees (“WUC”).

Furthermore, the SPP will integrate poverty and social issues into the proposed tariff reforms and thereby assist the Companies to improve their corporate governance. SPP implementation will also include assistance to the Companies in finalisation and implementation of the Stakeholder Engagement Plans (SEPs) developed during the Feasibility Study Phase.

Description of actual services provided by your organization:
• Identification of information needs;
• Preparation and Execution of an Information Campaign targeting the involved stakeholders and the public;
• Implementation of an information and awareness raising campaign in each of the four Project Municipalities (duration ~15 months);
• Implementation of baseline and end-of-project awareness assessment survey to evaluate impact of information campaign;
• Creation of and support to Water User Committees (WUCs) at the level of neighbourhood associations, including training and institutional start-up support;
• Creation of Advisory Committees comprising all major stakeholders incl WUC representatives, local industry and local authorities in each of the four project municipalities;
• Facilitation of meetings and workshops, advisory services to the Committees and WUCs during the consultation and discussion process.