01.12.2012 – 31.08.2013


Name of Client:
Approximate Contract Value (in USD or EUR):
USD 50 100
Assignment Name and Brief Description of Main Deliverables or Outputs

CAHMP is closely related with Central Asia Energy and Water Development Program (CAEWDP). With the overall goal of improving the quality of hydrometeorological and climate services in Central Asia, Central Asia Hydrometeorology Modernization Project (CAHMP) assigns the activities aimed at developing and strengthening cooperation between NHMS CA in the exchange of data, information and knowledge in order to rebuild infrastructure and human capacity-building with the main objective to reduce the risks of natural disasters, management of climate variability and to promote economic development in agriculture, hydro sector, energy and transportation throughout the region. CAHMP is being implemented at the regional and country levels and consists of three components:
(A) Regional component for strengthening all participating NHMSs (National Hydrometeorological Services of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan) and supporting the exchange of information and cooperation, and the two components at the country level, to increase the capacity of the weakest NHMSs, namely (B) of the Kyrgyz Republic; and (C) of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The goal of the assignment is to develop the Concept of hydrometeorological support of the socio-economic development of the Republic of Tajikistan till 2025 (Concept). The purpose of development is to identify the ways and means of implementing the mission of the TajikHydromet – ensure the hydrometeorological security of the Republic of Tajikistan, NHMS institutional sustainability and development of system of public services in the field of Hydrometeorology and related areas and monitoring of environmental pollution in the long term (2012-2025), taking into account the changing of natural and socio-economic factors.

Description of actual services provided by your organization:
• The current situation assessment (based on the research materials submitted by TajikHydromet) and the modernization plans of NHMS, existing commitments of TajikHydromet, identification of the system problems based on the systematic assessment of the current situation of the socio-economic development of the Republic of Tajikistan;
• Feasibility evaluation of the long-term hydrometeorological service development goals and ways to achieve them. For the main strategic NHMS objectives in order to ensure the timely warning of dangerous natural (hydrometeorological) phenomena and extremely high levels of the environmental pollution and meet the population and the State needs in hydrometeorological, heliogeophysical information, as well as information on the environmental pollution, the ways and priorities for achieving goals, including the formulation of priority tasks, milestones and deadlines for their implementation based on the analysis of socio-economic development strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan should be outlined. The mission and strategic goals of Tajikhydromet should be identified.